Powerful, dynamic enterprise content management (ECM) and document management solution that solves the problems of managing, finding, and tracking information in companies of all sizes.
- Bulk Payment Clearing System (BPCS)
Clearing software for local currency used by central banks.
- BankClear
Bank side clearing software for local currency.
- ForeignClear
Bank side clearing software for hard currencies.
- BanCom
Communication and verification software.
Unified Collection System for Bills ,Checks, Credit Checks and Foreign Checks .
- Interfaces
Clearing Interface with the core systems.
- AutoTeller
Automation of the teller processes of checks.
Automatic scanning, indexing, and storage software.
- Custom made Software
Any custom made software required by customers.
- Other Software Products
All software products of Microsoft.
- Aperta Products:
Active check.
Active archive.
Active signature verification.
Active remote deposit capture.
Active mobile capture.
Active ATM capture.
Active positive pay.
Active statements.